About Dave
Dave Whitby, a proud American and Navy Veteran, knows the meaning of service. As a successful businessman he understands the importance of team building and working on the things that create success. After successfully selling the company that he was President of in Atlanta GA in 2001 Dave accepted an opportunity that would bring him back to Texas; Chief Operating Officer of Versalift Southwest, a Time Manufacturing Company.
Committed to community involvement, Dave has served on credit union boards (including as President) and volunteered for 10 years at the Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo. Married to his incredible wife Ann for over 38 years, they have three married children and six grandchildren. After careful consideration, they chose Woodway as their retirement home, moving there in 2016. Dave retired in 2017, and it has been the perfect decision. He is currently serving as a Parks and Recreation Commissioner for Woodway.
Dave’s Vision for Woodway
Dave’s vision for Woodway is to continue to grow and develop our community while keeping our quality of life at the level every Woodway citizen enjoys today. That can only be done through common sense leadership. We must continue to support the needs and quality of our Public Safety Department with the resources they need to do their jobs. We have to take chaos out of the governance of our city. We must work collaboratively on all the issues that affect our citizens. Issues like property taxes, adherence to a thoughtful budget, our parks and recreation facilities and our way of life. This vision includes all of us working together to give Woodway a better tomorrow as we all do life together.
A core value for the citizens of Woodway is and will be the preservation of the quality of life we all enjoy today. We do that by continuing to provide great services from the city such as a robust Public Safety Department, our parks, and keeping our citizens informed about what is going on in and around Woodway.
Dave believes that the civility and collaboration within our city government should be next level. Most particularly among the individuals serving on the City Council. This will be accomplished by using common sense leadership and fostering quality communication within our member panel.
With years of experience developing and successfully managing budgets for the companies he ran, Mr. Whitby understands the importance of maintaining a thoughtfully developed and prudent budget. It is imperative our citizens get the most out of every tax dollar. Every member of the City Council must understand the fiscal responsibility that comes with serving.
We must continue to support the leadership within our Public Safety Department as they find and attract the best qualified people to serve the people of Woodway. That includes making sure they have all the resources needed to give every first responder the best chance of success. We must also have a comprehensive plan to insure Woodway stays on the leading edge of equipment and technology.
Mr. Whitby knows that investing in our city’s infrastructure is paramount to a sustainable and successful future. This means managing our resources in such a way that thoughtful planning can accommodate prudent zoning for both residential and commercial growth. We are primarily a residential community and that life style must be protected. We also must give streets, water and sewer lines much consideration when determining the expenditure of tax payer money. We need to take good care of the jewel that has been entrusted to us; Woodway, Texas.